- 答:Abstract: through the experiment discovered that the temperature moves the type to ism to measure the oxygen meter's influence is very obvious, specially to instrument's precision aspect influence. This article moves the type from ism to measure that the oxygen meter's structure principle embarks, analytic instrument temperature effect each aspect factor, and improvement some possibilities. Take rises to decrease temperature the experiment as the experiment foundation, analytic instrument's temperature response characteristic, how searches analyzes to improve, guaranteed that the instrument has the high pensation precision. key word: ism moves the type to measure that the oxygen meter rises to decrease temperature the experiment pensation
- 答:Abstract:
It was found that the temperature through the ic type of instrument for measuring oxygen is a very significant impact, particularly on the accuracy of the machines affected. This article from the ic type instrument for measuring oxygen structural principle of analytical instruments affected by temperature of various factors, and the possibility of some improvement. Or to experimental basis for the experimental cooling, the temperature of the instruments response characteristics, of how to improve and ensure a higher degree of equipment accuracy of pensation.
Key words: ic-type measuring oxygen or cooling of pensation
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The advantages of worm gear transmission mechanism are high transmission ratio, less number of parts, pact structure, low impact load generated during transmission, smooth transmission, low noise and self-locking, and the disadvantages are high frictional wear and high cost for manufacturing worm gear. The cylindrical worm helical gear transmission mechanism which uses helical gear instead of the worm gear perfectly es the disadvantages while retains the (intrinsic) advantages.