- 答:人类对太空的探索,可以分为两种目的。一是科学家的兴趣驱动,即科学研究水平到了可以探索太空的程度,科学家就会去探索太空,而不去管探索的实用意义,或者说,科学探索的本身就是实际意义所在。另一种目的,是考虑人类如何利用太空的科学探索,这种探索的实际目的是在探索中逐渐开发出来的。太空是人类的生存环境,人类当然要对它进行探索。以明白其中的道理。再者,人类自古以来就有探索太空的强烈愿望,人类要明白人类、自然、宇宙存在的意义和目的,明白真理所在,当然就要探索太空。当然,人类要先解决吃饭穿衣的问题,如果吃饭都成问题,人类就会放弃探索太空的努力,但是目前人类总体上来说已经解决了吃穿问题,自然就会去琢磨太空的问题。至于探索与收获的问题,要从长远考虑。人类存在于宇宙的时间,短暂得可怜,对太空、宇宙探索的本身就是收获。科学探索是长期的,对宇宙的认识也是长期的,这和做生意完全是两码事。
- 答:沙发…………………………
问:老师要求写一篇关于太空探险意义的英语作文 求翻译。
- 答:Some people think, can gain new knowledge expanding human living space from space to obtain the new resources.
Others think don't agree because costly and astronauts safety problems - 答:someone emphasis on the achivement of knowledge, enlargement of vivosphere, new resources from outer space. while the rest disagree due to the expensive investment and insurance of astronauts
- 答:写作思路:确立中心,围绕选材,确定重点,安排详略,选材时要注意紧紧围绕文章的中心思想,选择真实可信,新鲜有趣的材料,以使文章中心思想鲜明深刻地表现出来。具体如下:
Some people believe that new knowledge can be obtained to expand the living space of human beings and new resources can be obtained from space.
Others say no because of the cost and the safety of the astronauts.
另一些人认为不同意因为耗资巨大以及宇航员的安全问题。 - 答:答案:Some people think, can gain new knowledge expanding human living space from space to obtain the new resources.
Others think don't agree because costly and astronauts safety problems. - 答:Some people think, can gain new knowledge expanding human living space from space to obtain the new resources.
Others think don't agree because costly and astronauts safety problems - 答:someone thinks it can be get new knowledge to add the place for living,get new resources from the space.
the orther thinks it can't. because it will consumption a lot of money and it is a problem