- 答:Abstract: Accounting profession ethics is the social and ideological basis for the normal operation of accounting legal system. Whereas accounting legal system is the safeguard system to promote the forming and abide of the accounting profession ethics. Both of them share mon goal and the same adjustment object. They bear the same responsibilities plement each other in operation. In the content, there are mutual rations and overlapping. In the status, there are mutual transformations and absorptions. In the implementation, there are mutual interactions and promotions. There are also different between them e.g. different in nature, different in scope and different in achievement form.
- 答:Abstract: accounting professional ethics is the normal operation of the legal system of social and ideological basis, the accounting law system is to promote the formation of accounting professional ethics and abide by the system guarantee. The two have mon goal, the same adjustment for the same object, in effect, the duty on plement, In mutual infiltration, overlapping, In position, mutual transformation between, In the implementation of interaction, to promote each other. Both also has the very big difference: the different nature, scope, the realization of different in different forms.
- 答:做一个有道德的人
四川5.12大地震。一个感触人心灵的经过,在此时刻人们不愿为了自己的私利而苟活下去。他们明白。大家都是一家人。他们都属这个世界。我们伟大的教师,无私的奉献者——谭千秋。他。在地震到来的那一刹那。房屋倒塌的那一刹那。伸出自己的双臂。用自己的生命。挽救了3条细小的生命。难道这个事迹还没有让你动容 落泪么?难道还不足以感触你的心灵么?如果你被感触到了。那么请你不须落泪。因为落泪是弱者的作为。你应该以此来衡量自己。衡量自己是否做的更好了。自己是否时刻都在做一个有道德,有品质的人.让我们从此刻开始醒悟。让心灵得以洗脱。让我们明白做一个有道德的人的重要性,和必要性!做一个有道德的人,从自身做起。
现在的社会不缺少能人。只缺少有道德。有品质的人。从我们身边的小事做起,在扔垃圾的时候向前方再走一小半。那一步就是文明的一步,就是你跨出道德的一大步。排队的时候在后面静静的等着。在这一个小小的过程中。我们的道德得以升华。我们的人生应为有了道德而变的美丽。因为有了道德额变得完美!55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 - 答:hao123网址下面有个在线翻译。直接复制过去就可以
- 答:Abstract: by providing financial accounting information system, the information in enterprise management plays an important role. Accounting information processing from manual to make the traditional pattern of puterization, gradually being broken, new accounting theories and ideas gradually established in accounting, thus promoting development and reform, but also promote the puterization further improvement and development. Based on the discussion puterized accounting and its characteristics, on the basis of the research on the development of traditional puterized accounting, points out the influence of traditional puterized accounting of accounting theory, accounting, auditing and internal control to some extent.
Keywords: accounting theory, accounting audit internal control